Saturday, August 10, 2013

Introducing R-Rated Version of City of Angels Blog

Adults Only Version 
of Faster than the Speed of Life

Here, I'm going to add SEX to the story at CofA 15 and post the whole "book" free as an Adults Only blog (with a place to send PayPal high-$5 clicks, the Donate button top right).

I'm going to write it all, from what happened with the priest when I was preschool aged to what happened to me doing the blog in my fifties, with all the sexual dysfunction of my life in between, YES, add in all the SEX because SEX SELLS and since it permeates my story, Why The F--- Not?  So here is where it will be posted, first chapter coming soon after the weather cools.

I've been writing this story at CofA 1-30 since 2006 and at Faster Than the Speed of Life both blogs in a disjointed fashion, throwing in a personal post here and there in between journalism coverage of the pedophile priest epidemic.  And I've held to a steady two to three hundred readers for six and a half years.

Recently I decided, why not include the sex.  My story just happens to be full of sex but I've politely left most of it out so far, when, face it, sex is what gets readers into your story.

So my free filthy book about the pedophile priest scandal in the Catholic Church and how it affected my life goes up here in the next year.


Web address is as this is the R Rated version of where I leave out the sex.

So anyone who wants to find this story can just type in city of angels 16 then dot blogspot dot com.

This site promises to be hot.

I'm just sitting here thinking why not.  My hyper sexuality ruined everything in my life, why not at least exploit it as a little old lady.

I'm going to write it all.

Watch for first post in about six weeks.

Adults only.

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